Subrenal Capsular PDX Mouse Models
What are PDX models?

Patient-Derived Xenografts (PDX) are models of cancer where the tissue or cells from a patient's tumor are implanted into an immune-deficient mouse. PDX models mimic the cellular and histopathological characteristics of the original tumor while maintaining the genetic and epigenetic features. The main advantage is that it maintains tumor heterogeneity which may otherwise be lost in a cell-based model. PDX models have emerged as a powerful tool to study the therapeutic response to anti-cancer treatment and predict the response of individual responses to drugs and treatment regimens.

TME’s subrenal capsular PDX model

At TME we specialize in developing subrenal capsular implant PDX models. These models are superior to the commonly used subcutaneous models and have a better ability to predict the clinical utility of anti-cancer drugs. Our subrenal capsular models develop histologically intact tumors with the original tumor microenvironment and tumor-associated stroma. They also offer superior tumor take rates with high organ perfusion and rapid development of microvasculature.

Talk to our experts for your custom model